Natural Environment

Natural Environment

Legatus Group values is partnerships with the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board to address the most significant issues for regional communities and protect areas of significant biodiversity conservation value, such as roadside and remnant vegetation, river, coastal and marine environments and fragile soils. Legatus has partnered with the Landscape Board, Regional Development Australia and the SA Government  via a collaborative approach to climate change adaptation through the Regional Climate Change Sector Agreements. Northern and Yorke Sector Agreement Signed by Partners

Northern and Yorke Coastal Management Action Plan The Legatus Group have partnered with the Northern ad Yorke Landscape Board to develop the Action Plan and progress its implementation. The plan can be found at:

Sustainability Hub Reports The following reports via a collaboration with Adelaide University  have led to the release in March 2021 of PROJECT 155 Mid North Sustainability Hub 
Concept Plan: Final report

Final report May 2019

Developing a sustainability hub

Project Report_FINALVERSION 2019_

Climate Change


Extensive work has already occurred across South Australia by councils to develop regional climate change adaptation plans. However, moving from planning to on-ground action has proved challenging. This experience resonates with local scale adaptation around the world.

While collaboration and leadership on climate change continues to be a focus at a regional scale, attention has moved to addressing local scale needs. There is growing recognition that the outcomes of regional planning processes need further refinement so that they can be readily implemented by individual councils.

Individual regional partners (including councils) need to determine what steps they should take to implement preferred options. As part of this, it is important to plan how to enable on-ground actions and reduce barriers to implementation.

The purpose of this Guide is therefore to assist local government to act on climate change. The Guide provides a framework for assessing current progress with adaptation and assistance in how to prioritise and implement actions.

Find it here

Emerging themes for drought responses and climate change resilience report.

This March 2020 report included information from a stakeholder scan and workshop and information from regional adaption plans and climate vulnerability assessment.

Drought resilient region – Gap analysis and emerging themes report v2

Future Drought Fund report Opportunities Future Drought Fund – opportunities for the Northern and Yorke region FINAL